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What is a Podiatrist?

A podiatrist is a doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM), known also as a podiatric physician or surgeon, 通过他们的最大的博彩平台和培训,有资格诊断和治疗影响足部的疾病, ankle and related structures of the leg. 在治疗病人时,这个系统也被称为下肢. 足病医生是唯一有资格的医疗专业人员治疗下肢基于他们的最大的博彩平台, training and expertise. 足病医生被联邦政府定义为医生.

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What should my major be?

大多数足病(DPM)项目不需要特定的专业, 只要你完成了要求的先决条件并完成了本科学位. You should consider a major that you enjoy, 如果你选择不申请或不被足科学校录取,你将在其中表现良好,并可能作为进一步的研究生工作或就业的基础.

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What are the admissions requirements?

Common prerequisites for health professions programs

*注意:一些卫生专业学校不接受在线修的先决条件. 所有前提课程建议面对面.

Generally, most podiatry schools require one year of general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics designed for science majors. All courses should have laboratory components. Many schools also require anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, histology, medical terminology, microbiology, 神经生物学和其他要求可能取决于你计划申请的学校. 学生应该与PPAC顾问交谈,并查阅你感兴趣的每所学校的招生文献,了解具体要求. 

Competitive pre-podiatry students also possess these important qualitiescompetitive metricsstrong personal attributes and have meaningful pre-podiatry and other professional experiences. Meet often with a Pre-Professional advisor. 

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What is so hard about being pre-podiatry?

For many students, 最困难的任务是获得学习技巧和达到学术卓越所必需的自律. 成功过渡到大学水平的工作不仅取决于你的能力, but also upon preparation, motivation, organization and how well you learn how to learn. It is important that you really learn the material, not just memorize it, as it is crucial to develop your critical thinking skills. 足科预科学生的严格课程要求坚韧和耐力. 

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Is it difficult to get into podiatry school?

是的,进入足病学校竞争很激烈. 你必须见多识广,准备充分,非常有决心,非常努力才能获得录取. You should also actively explore alternative careers.

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What is the MCAT?

医学院入学考试是一项衡量科学能力和成就的标准化考试, 批判性思维和其他与医学研究相关的领域. 足部学校要求你在入学前参加MCAT考试. 我们建议你尽早熟悉MCAT考试,并把MCAT考试的准备工作作为你将参加考试的一年的全职工作. 理解考试可以积极地影响你在课堂上学到的东西以及你如何选择记住这些东西 


As you can see, much of the MCAT focuses on reading and writing skills, 因此,学生应该通过通识最大的博彩平台课程来拓展自己,并阅读超出课堂要求的书籍. The training will serve you well when you take the MCAT. Visit the American Association of Colleges of Medicine (AAMC) for MCAT information.

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When do I take the MCAT?

Generally, 你在大四开始前申请足病学校(或者在你计划入学的前一年), 所以你应该在大三之后的春季或夏季参加入学考试.

我们鼓励你在第一次参加考试时尽可能做好准备. If offered during the application cycle, 如果你对自己的成绩不满意,你可以重考 and have intentionally improved your test preparation strategies. A Pre-Professional advisor can discuss preparation plans with you.

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The criteria for admission varies from school to school, but usually include academic record (GPA), standardized admissions exam (MCAT), letters of recommendation, 通过经验和个人属性展示对专业的知识和承诺, and in some cases a personal interview.  个人特征,如正直和成熟被考虑在内. 在你大学生涯的早期,你应该开始与至少一个实习足病医生进行几个小时的观察.

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What GPA do I have to have to get into podiatry school? 

This varies from school to school. 然而,大多数被足病学校录取的学生的平均成绩大约是3分.5 or higher. 你在科学(生物学)方面取得好成绩尤其重要, anatomy and physiology, chemistry, physics and math) courses. 对于那些考虑专业学校的人来说,重要的是要现实地看待自己的表现在多大程度上符合录取期望.

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Is it all over if I have a bad semester?

招生委员会在评估申请人时,会考虑“大局”. 他们意识到,并不是每个学生在进入大学后就开始着手工作. Admission committees expect an excellent academic record, but may make some allowances for a problem semester, slow start or rough spot. If academic problems arise, 你必须振作起来,表现得比以往任何时候都好,以表明这个问题是一个例外, rather than the rule. Use resources such as professor and T.A. office hours and the Learning Commons.

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Will I need letters of recommendation? 

Letters of Recommendation are accepted but not required. 一封来自曾教过你的科学教授的信和一封来自你曾经教过的足病医生的信可能是合适的. 

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Is financial aid available?

援助的数量和类型因学校而异,你的最大的博彩平台费用也是如此. 你应该在本科生涯的早期调查成本. 知道你可能会招致足部学校的大量贷款债务可能会影响你为本科最大的博彩平台借钱的方式. Most applicants are eligible for government originated aid; apply during January of your application cycle, 即使你还在等着知道你是否被录取. Apply for aid at

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How can the Pre-Professional Advising Center (PPAC) help me? 

准备进入足病学校需要仔细的长期计划和准确的信息. PPAC专门为您提供必要的信息,并帮助您培养良好的规划技能. PPAC的工作人员在每一步都为您提供帮助. PPAC provides services including course selection, career exploration, time management tips, information on individual programs, admissions test preparation advice, 管理推荐信和获得卫生保健经验的途径.

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What resources are available to pre-podiatry students?

American Association of College of Podiatric Medicine (AACPMAS)

Podiatric Medical College Information Book

American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) - Find a Mentor

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