

What is a Physician Assistant (PA)?

医师助理(PAs)是在医师监督下执业的医疗保健专业人员. 私人助理受雇于医生办公室、诊所、医院和其他卫生保健机构. As part of their comprehensive responsibilities, 医务人员进行身体检查, diagnose and treat illnesses, 安排和解释测试, assist in surgical procedures, counsel on preventive health care issues, 开处方. Although PAs work under the direction of a licensed physician, 根据他们的最大的博彩平台和培训,他们被赋予诊断和治疗病人的自主权.

In addition to natural sciences, many PA programs require courses in humanities, 人类发展, 社会科学, 统计数据, 医学术语. To be a competitive applicant, 建议学生尽早与几所PA学校核实,以了解先决条件课程.

PA课程通常是24-29个月的硕士课程,最终授予理学硕士学位.S.) in Physician Assistant Studies. This degree is recognized through the U.S. and in certain international locations. 经过认证的PA课程的毕业生有资格参加医师助理国家认证考试.


PA programs do not require a specific undergraduate major. 事实上, 从整体上看,这个行业比其他任何专业的医疗行业都有更多的转行者. 选择专业时, you should consider a major which you enjoy, 如果你选择不申请或不被PA项目录取,你将在哪些方面表现良好,哪些方面可以作为进一步研究生工作或就业的基础. Admissions committees expect variety in educational programs, so you should take courses in a wide variety of subject areas, no matter what you decide to declare as a major.

What is so hard about being pre-PA?

对很多学生来说, 最困难的任务是获得学习技巧和达到学术卓越所必需的自律. The success of your transition to college level work depends not only on ability, 而且在准备过程中, 动机, organization and how well you learn. It is important that you really learn the material, 不只是记住它, as it is crucial to develop your critical thinking and problem solving skills. pa预科学生的严格课程要求坚韧和耐力,与准备进入医学院几乎相同.

Is it difficult to get into a PA program? 

是的. PA项目寻找在本科/学士后水平表现出较强的学术能力和渴望在高级学习中取得好成绩的申请人. PAs在诊断和治疗病人方面承担着重要的责任,因此被期望在自然科学方面具有很高的知识. For many patients, some or all of their health care is delivered by a PA. 

What are the admissions requirements?

Common prerequisites for health professions programs

*注意:一些卫生专业学校不接受在线修的先决条件. All prerequisite courses are recommended to be taken in-person.

Pre-PA requirements typically cover the basic sciences, but may also require additional natural sciences. Some schools require or recommend additional upper level sciences, a year of English composition, humanities and/or 社会科学. GPA requirements may vary from school to school, 但是大多数被PA项目录取的学生的平均成绩大约是3分.平均成绩5分或以上. Both cumulative and science GPAs are evaluated. 


Competitive pre-PA students also possess these important qualities: 有竞争力的指标强烈的个人特质 并有 meaningful pre-PA and other professional experiences. 请浏览此网页 获取有关应用程序这些关键组件的更多信息,并经常与Pre-Professional顾问会面. 

Do I need the GRE or the PA-CAT?

Many PA programs require the GRE or PA-CAT; however, not all do. 通常, 你在大四开始前(或你计划进入的前一年)申请PA课程, so, 如果需要, you should plan to take the exam by the spring or summer after your junior year.

研究生入学考试(GRE)是一项衡量分析性写作的标准化考试, 语言推理, and quantitative reasoning skills. 这些技能大多是在很长一段时间内获得的,与任何特定的研究领域都没有关系. 我们建议尽早熟悉GRE考试,这样你就可以为考试做准备. 理解考试可以积极地影响你在课堂上学到的东西,以及你选择如何记住这些知识. 在正规博彩平台的通识最大的博彩平台课程中拓展自己,并通过阅读超出课程要求的书籍来拓展自己. The training will serve you well when you take the GRE. GRE考试通常每周提供5 - 6天,可以在正规博彩平台测试服务中心或项目测试中心预约. More information regarding the GRE may be found at Educational Testing Services (ETS).  

Some PA schools instead require the Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA-CAT), 这是一个专门的测试,旨在衡量申请人在PA学院通常要求的关键先决科学科目的知识和应用. For more information on which schools are requiring the PA-CAT check the 参与PA计划.

What do PA programs consider when evaluating applicants?

The criteria for admission varies from school to school, but usually include academic record (GPA), 标准化入学考试(GRE或PA-CAT -参见个别学校的要求), 推荐信, demonstrated knowledge and commitment to the profession, personal statement and interview. To be a competitive applicant to PA programs, 我们强烈建议你最近跟随一名私人助理,并有实际的临床护理经验. 一些项目在申请时需要至少1000小时的病人护理经验. Personal characteristics such as integrity and maturity are considered. 在你大学生涯的早期,你应该考虑通过志愿服务来探索医学领域, 就业, shadowing and research for credit. Additional information may be found at Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).    

What GPA do I have to have to get into a PA program?

This varies from school to school. 然而,大多数被PA项目录取的学生的平均成绩大约是3分.5或以上. It is particularly important that you perform well in your science (biology, 化学, 物理, 和数学)课程. 对于那些考虑专业学校的人来说,重要的是要现实地看待自己的表现在多大程度上符合录取期望.

Is it all over if I have a bad semester?

Admission committees look at the "big picture" as they evaluate applicants. 他们意识到,并不是每个学生在进入大学后就开始着手工作. Admission committees expect an excellent academic record, but may make some allowances for a problem semester, 起步缓慢或起点粗糙. 如果出现学术问题, 你必须振作起来,表现得比以往任何时候都好,以表明这个问题是一个例外, 而不是规则. Use resources such as professor and T.A. office hours and the Academic Excellence & 支援服务办事处.

Will I need 推荐信?

是的. 大多数学校要求你上过课的两封科学教授的信和一封非科学教授的信. Many programs also recommend a letter from a PA or physician.


援助的数量和类型因学校而异,你的最大的博彩平台费用也是如此. You should investigate the costs early in your undergraduate career. 知道你可能会招致大量的贷款债务医师助理学校可能会影响你借钱的方式为你的本科最大的博彩平台. Most applicants are eligible for government originated aid; apply during January of your application cycle, even if you are still waiting to find out whether or not you have been accepted. 申请援助: studentaid.gov / h /申请援助/ fafsa.

Health Professions Scholarship Program is offered via the 美国空军美国陆军; and 美国海军. These programs typically cover 100% of medical school tuition and fees, along with a bonus or stipend.

How can the Pre-Professional Advising Center (PPAC) help me?

准备进入PA项目需要仔细的长期计划和准确的信息. PPAC专门为您提供必要的信息,并帮助您培养良好的规划技能. The staff of the PPAC provides you with help through each step of the way. PPAC provides services including course selection, 生涯探索, 时间管理技巧, information on individual schools, admissions test preparation advice, 管理推荐信和获取卫生保健经验的链接.

You probably have more questions. Please contact the PPAC at 513-556-2166 or PreProAdv@350store.com to make an appointment. It is never too early to start planning.