
You are probably here because you are interested in purchasing or renewing a contract for an electronic information technology product (EIT) and you want to know what this 可访问性检查 is all about. 你来对地方了. This page will give you all of the details, even the behind the scenes, of an 可访问性检查.


最大的博彩平台大学, when you purchase any product that is considered Electronic Information Technology (EIT), you are required to have the 可访问性网络 review your product for conformance to federal accessibility laws.  

An 可访问性检查 is the process we follow to provide the purchasing department feedback on the accessibility of the product. The feedback can be used as a guide on whether to purchase the product, proactively communicate to the end-users and/or to build a roadmap for the vendor to address any accessibility barriers. 

We understand this process can seem scary and unnerving for both the purchasing department and the vendor. Please be assured that we want to make this process as painless as possible for everyone involved, while still achieving our overall goal of making our campus accessible to all students. 


如前所述,可访问性审查是一个过程. 我们的流程包括四个可能的阶段. 每个阶段描述如下.


一旦你提交了产品审核请求, someone from our team will review the information and determine next steps. During the assessment we will assign a risk level based on the information you provide and the VPAT from the vendor.

The risk level will help to determine the next steps you will need to take in the process. 这些后续步骤将在我们的反馈阶段与您沟通.  


Once we finish the assessment, we will respond to your request with feedback. 反馈将为您提供:

  • VPAT审查总结
  • 易读性检讨的后续步骤
  • 在VPAT中确定的无障碍障碍列表

在我们提供的反馈的下一步部分, 您将看到您需要的任何必要操作. 接下来可能采取的措施包括:

  • 向供应商索取更多信息
  • 主动与你的听众沟通
  • 在契约中包含可访问性语言
  • 可访问性网络 complete a full accessibility test of the product

If you are not notified that your product needs a full accessibility test, this feedback phase will 为您完成可访问性审查过程.


如果我们将你的产品划分为高风险级别, 无障碍网络将做一个完整的无障碍测试. In this phase there are three steps, kick-off call, testing, review results, each described below.


If it is determined that your product needs to be tested for accessibility, 您将在反馈通信中得到通知. 您还将收到一个启动电话的日历邀请. 在这个开球电话中,我们将:

  • 讨论在测试过程中会发生什么
  • 定义范围和用例
  • 请求访问产品
  • 如果可能的话,请你给我们一个产品的现场演示
  • 讨论测试完成后会发生什么


A full accessibility test consists of two types of tests, automated and manual. Each test is critical to identify any accessibility barriers within the product.


We use Level Access, a third party tool, to run automated accessibility tests of our products.  Level Access will "crawl" the tool to validate the website code for accessibility. This test can identify issues such as missing alternative text for images, 表单标签错误, 色彩对比问题. This "crawl" is not invasive to the product and the vendor does not need to do anything on their end, 除了提供基本的用户访问权限. 

Automated testing is great to help with consistency, resources and time to test. 然而,自动化测试不能识别所有的可访问性问题. Many reports say an automated scan can only identify 15-25% of the errors. 为了确定其他问题,我们还执行手动测试.


Manual accessibility tests are performed by an employee on the 可访问性网络. 这些测试通常包括:

  • 屏幕阅读器测试
  • 仅键盘测试(不使用鼠标)
  • 检查自动化测试结果以进行验证. Ex:  Alternative text may be present and assessed as passing for an automated scan, but if the alternative text is not useful for an end-user it is still not accessible. 只有人类才能确定这一点.

Manual testing is critical for understanding a user experience and capturing any errors that cannot be tested using an automated product. 然而, because these tests are performed by individuals they can sometimes be less consistent than an automated scan and are considered more subjective.


一旦我们的团队完成了可访问性测试, you will receive a meeting invite to review the results and to discuss next steps.  We understand that accessibility can sometimes be similar to a foreign language. 使信息易于理解, 我们将向您展示如何查看您的报告, 向您提供所发现问题的高级摘要, 解释接下来的步骤并回答你可能遇到的任何问题.

If there are no issues found, this would complete the process for your accessibility review.  


访问计划是可访问性测试的可交付成果. 它由三个部分组成, 可访问性总结, 供应商路线图和临时住宿计划. 每个部分都被视为一个活文档, as we will work together to use this to document and update our accessibility remediation plan.  


This section will provide a high-level overview of the accessibility test results.  它将包括有关可能受到影响的用户的信息. We will review this with the purchasing department and the vendor, if they want to be included. We will work with you to prioritize the issues that are most critical to be fixed during the review of this summary.


Based on the issues noted and prioritized in the 可访问性总结, the vendor will create a roadmap of when they expect to be able to remediate the accessibility issues. This roadmap will be based on the vendors development cycle and will be used to track progress.


如果发现了关键问题, we will need to create an accommodation plan for students that may be impacted. This plan should be temporary and only used as a bridge until the vendor is able to remediate the issue. 创建住宿计划, 采购部门将与他们的供应商合作, 无障碍资源办事处, 和/或人力资源办公室.

  • The vendor may be able to identify temporary work-arounds for the issues found.
  • Accessibility Resource office can help identify accommodation solutions and/or processes that need to be established for students.
  • Human Resources office provides accommodation solutions and/or processes that need to be established for staff and faculty.  
